南非:牛椋鸟狂缠长颈鹿 长颈鹿喷水驱逐

2017-08-04 11:20:47来源:新华网 字号:

2017年8月3日讯(具体拍摄时间不详),南非克鲁格国家公园,摄影师Samuel Cox 拍摄到,一只长颈鹿朝一只红嘴牛椋鸟喷水,试图驱赶这只正在它身上捕食的小鸟。***_***Pictured The giraffe spraying water to get rid of the birds. An angry giraffe spits a torrent of water at small birds gathering around her head. The female Cape giraffe squirted water from her mouth and shook her head to get rid of red billed oxpeckers that were flocking around her to feed on ticks. Photographer Samuel Cox who works for volunteering organisation African Impact snapped the extraordinary sight in Greater Kruger National Park South Africa. SEE OUR COPY FOR DETAILS. Please byline Samuel Cox Solent News Samuel Cox Solent News Photo Agency UK 44 0 2380 458800

  2017年8月3日(具体拍摄时间不详),南非克鲁格国家公园,摄影师Samuel Cox拍摄到,一只长颈鹿朝一只红嘴牛椋鸟喷水,试图驱赶这只正在它身上捕食的小鸟。图片来源:视觉中国


